chilli paste 27.38%, oyster sauce 19.56%, oil 19.56%, salted egg 12.98%, salted eggyolk 11.73%, soy sauce 3.96%, sugar 2.34%, salt 2.34%, Disodium 5’ ribonucleotide (INS635) as Flavour enhancer 0.15%

Stir fry squid with Salted egg Sauce
- Salted egg sauce 1 packet
- Squid 200g
- Vegetable (chilli, spring onion, onion, celery) 100g
- oil 2 tbsp
- Wash the squid. Discard bones, skin and eye and wash again. Make a crisscross pattern on the flesh and cut into pieces about 2×2. Blanch in the boiling water until done.
- Slice onion, chilli and cut celery, spring onion into short length.
- Put the oil in a wok and place over medium heat. Until hot fry squid until done. Add Salted egg sauce stir to mix well. Add vegetable and stir again.
- Turn off the heat.
- Serve